Items filtered by date: February 2023

Tuesday, 28 February 2023 00:00

Swollen Feet Can Be Related to Back Pain

Sometimes, an individual’s feet may swell up in size and become filled with extra bodily fluids. There are many different reasons why an individual might experience increased foot swelling. For example, when an individual is pregnant, they may have foot swelling. Sometimes, certain things that cause swollen feet can also result in lower back pain. Importantly, the two are not always linked, but sometimes can be. Pregnancy is one such condition that can cause both lower back pain and foot swelling. It is well-known that pregnancy is associated with swollen feet due to increased fluid accumulation. Additionally, due to the extra strain linked with carrying a baby to term, pregnancy can also cause pain in the lower back area. Pregnancy, of course, is not the only thing on the list that can cause both feet swelling and lower back pain. In addition to pregnancy, arthritis, piriformis syndrome, and infection can also cause these two symptoms through inflammation. It is suggested that you contact a podiatrist for more information about the link between swollen feet and back pain. 

Swollen feet can be a sign of an underlying condition. If you have any concerns, contact one of our podiatrists of Bruening Foot & Ankle. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Swollen feet are a common ailment among pregnant women and people who stand or sit for extended periods. Aging may increase the possibility of swollen feet and patients who are obese often notice when their feet are swelling too. There may be medical reasons why swollen feet occur:

  • Phlebitis - A condition that causes the veins to become inflamed and can also cause leg pain.
  • Liver disease - This may lead to low blood levels of albumin which is a protein. This can cause fluid in the blood to pass into the tissues and several areas of the body can become swollen.
  • Heart failure - When the heart doesn’t pump properly the blood that is normally pumped back to the heart can pool in the veins of the legs causing swollen feet.
  • Kidney disease - One of the main functions of the kidneys is releasing excess fluid in the body. This type of condition can make it difficult for the kidneys to function properly, and as a result the feet may become swollen.
  • Deep-vein thrombosis (DVT)- This is a serious condition where blood clots form in the veins of the legs. They can block the return of blood from the legs to the heart which may cause the feet to swell. It is important to be treated by a podiatrist if this condition is present.

Swollen feet can also be caused by bone and tendon conditions, including fractures, arthritis, and tendinitis. Additionally, there may be skin and toenail conditions and an infection may cause the feet to swell. Patients who take medicine to treat high blood pressure may be prone to getting swollen feet. 

Many patients elevate their feet to help relieve the swelling and this is generally a temporary remedy. When a podiatrist is consulted the reason behind the swelling can be uncovered and subsequently treated.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Covina and Alta Loma, CA . We offer the newest diagnostic tools and technology to treat your foot and ankle needs.


Read more about Swelling of the Feet
Tuesday, 21 February 2023 00:00

Swollen Feet and Pregnancy

Pregnancy and swollen feet are linked, especially during the third trimester. Swollen feet may occur from decreased circulation and the blood becoming thicker during pregnancy. The growing fetus requires additional nutrients from the blood and may affect circulation too. Relief may be found when the feet are elevated and when gentle stretching exercises are performed. It is beneficial to reduce or eliminate salt intake, in addition to drinking plenty of water daily. Walking is a suggested method to increase blood circulation. It is important to wear comfortable shoes as this can make it more appealing to walk. Compression stockings may help the blood flow easier from the heart to the feet. Please consult a podiatrist for more information on finding relief from swollen feet during pregnancy.

Pregnant women with swollen feet can be treated with a variety of different methods that are readily available. For more information about other cures for swollen feet during pregnancy, consult with one of our podiatrists from Bruening Foot & Ankle. Our doctors will attend to all of your foot and ankle needs.

What Foot Problems Can Arise During Pregnancy?

One problem that can occur is overpronation, which occurs when the arch of the foot flattens and tends to roll inward.  This can cause pain and discomfort in your heels while you’re walking or even just standing up, trying to support your baby.  

Another problem is edema, or swelling in the extremities. This often affects the feet during pregnancy but tends to occur in the later stages. 

How Can I Keep My Feet Healthy During Pregnancy?

  • Wearing orthotics can provide extra support for the feet and help distribute weight evenly
  • Minimize the amount of time spent walking barefoot
  • Wear shoes with good arch support
  • Wear shoes that allow for good circulation to the feet
  • Elevate feet if you experience swelling
  • Massage your feet
  • Get regular, light exercise, such as walking, to promote blood circulation to the feet

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Covina and Alta Loma, CA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Foot Care for Pregnant Women

Some jobs require one to stand on their feet for prolonged time periods. This can cause tiredness and increase the risk of foot problems as it puts strain on bones, joints, tendons, muscles, and ligaments. Standing for long periods of time can reduce blood flow to the lower extremities or create an accumulation of blood in the foot or ankles, also leading to soreness. Flat feet, plantar fasciitis, and edema are all problems associated with working on your feet all day. Tips for preventing such pain include taking more seated breaks, standing on different surfaces, using anti-fatigue mats underfoot, and wearing appropriate footwear. Footwear includes shoes and socks, and both should fit well, without being too tight or loose. Shoes should support the arch well and have cushioning that absorbs shock and stress. If you work on your feet all day and have foot problems, see a podiatrist who can provide additional suggestions to help you feel more comfortable.

While working on the feet, it is important to take the proper care of them. For more information about working on your feet, contact one of our podiatrists from Bruening Foot & Ankle. Our doctors will treat your foot and ankle needs.

Working on Your Feet

Standing on your feet for long periods of time can cause stress and pain in your feet. Your whole body may experience change in terms of posture, back pain, bunions, callouses and or plantar warts. There are ways to avoid these conditions with proper foot care, smart choices and correct posture.

Positive Changes

Negative heeled shoe – Choosing this shoe type places the heel slightly lower than the ball of the foot. These are great for overall foot health. Find shoes that fit you correctly.

Go barefoot – Our feet were not designed to be enclosed for all hours of the day. Try to periodically expose your feet to air.

Eliminate Pain

Foot Exercises – Performing simple exercises, incorporating yoga and doing stretches are beneficial. This will allow increased blood flow to the area and muscles of the foot.

Achilles tendon – Stretching the foot out flat on the floor will relax the calf muscles and tendon. These exercises can be performed almost anywhere. Make sure you add these exercises to your daily regimen. 

With a little bit of this information and knowing more about foot health, you will notice changes. Foot stretches and proper footwear will help with pain and prevent further issues.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Covina and Alta Loma, CA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Working on Your Feet
Friday, 10 February 2023 00:00

Heel Pain Can Be Treated!

Do you suffer from heel pain when you get up in the morning? If so, you should seek the professional help of your podiatrist and have a proper diagnosis performed. Heel pain can be caused by several different foot-related conditions.

Tuesday, 07 February 2023 00:00

Relief Options for Hammertoe

The center toes are affected by a foot condition that is known as hammertoe. It is considered to be a deformity, and may happen from wearing shoes that are too tight in the toe area. It may also develop from genetic reasons, or possibly from a toe injury. Hammertoe is a noticeable condition. It causes the middle joint in the second or third toe to bend upward, which makes the toe bend down. Patients have found mild relief when the correct size shoes are worn, in addition to performing specific stretches that may help in flexibility. The toes may also become stronger when marbles or stones are picked up with the feet. Additionally, some people choose to wear protective pads over the top of the toes, which may help in preventing corns from developing. In severe cases, surgery may be recommended which may permanently straighten the toes, allowing the tendons to lie flat. If you have hammertoe, and would like relief options, it is suggested that you seek the counsel of a podiatrist who can provide you with the information you are seeking.

Hammertoes can be a painful condition to live with. For more information, contact one of our podiatrists of Bruening Foot & Ankle. Our doctors will answer any of your foot- and ankle-related questions.


Hammertoe is a foot deformity that occurs due to an imbalance in the muscles, tendons, or ligaments that normally hold the toe straight. It can be caused by the type of shoes you wear, your foot structure, trauma, and certain disease processes.


  • Painful and/or difficult toe movement
  • Swelling
  • Joint stiffness
  • Calluses/Corns
  • Physical deformity

Risk Factors

  • Age – The risk of hammertoe increases with age
  • Sex – Women are more likely to have hammertoe compared to men
  • Toe Length – You are more likely to develop hammertoe if your second toe is longer than your big toe
  • Certain Diseases – Arthritis and diabetes may make you more likely to develop hammertoe


If you have hammertoe, you should change into a more comfortable shoe that provides enough room for your toes. Exercises such as picking up marbles may strengthen and stretch your toe muscles. Nevertheless, it is important to seek assistance from a podiatrist in order to determine the severity of your hammertoe and see which treatment option will work best for you.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our offices located in Covina and Alta Loma, CA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about What Are Hammertoes?
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